Meet our board

Alex de Diego
  • New York City, USA

    AFRY, Columbia University

    Energy & Sustainability

    “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.”


  • Barcelona, Spain

    Call2World, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    M&A & VC

    “Lo mejor es enemigo de lo bueno”.


  • London, UK

    YouShift, Harvard University & University College London

    Healthcare & Tech

    “Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.”


  • San Francisco, USA

    Bain & Company, USC

    Private Equity & Finance

    “The best or nothing.”


  • Madrid, Spain


    Corporate Sustainability & Strategy

    “No le pidas peras al olmo.”


  • Madrid, Spain

    Amazon, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

    Retail & E-Commerce

    “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”


  • New York City, USA

    Efficio Consulting, Indiana Institute of Technology

    Procurement & Real Estate

    “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself, what determines your story.”


  • Barcelona, Spain

    AMUSEUM, University of Bath

    Art & Entertainment

    “Rise and rise again until lambs become lions.”


Member Diversity






Aerospace Engineering






Asset Management




Real Estate

Strategy Consulting


Supply Chain

Software VC M&A Finance Retail/E-Commerce Aerospace Engineering Cybersecurity Healthcare BD Sustainability Advertising Asset Management Education Energy Art/Entertainment Real Estate Strategy Consulting Procurement Supply Chain



New York City




San Francisco

Mexico City


San Diego

Los Angeles

Barcelona Madrid New York City London Edinburgh Zürich San Francisco Mexico City Seattle San Diego Los Angeles

ACM Ventures -


Amazon -

Amuseum -

Athos Capital -

Bain & Company -

Barclays -

Barings -

Barlon Capital -

Boston Consulting Group -

Blackrock -

British Airways -


Call2World -

Centauri Capital Partners -

Efficio Consulting -


Glovo -

Google -

K Fund -

Kreios Space -

Lanai Partners -

Lilium -

Management Solutions -


Microsoft -

Millenium -


Oracle -

Quantfury -

Roots South -

Securitas -

Threema -

Toroto -

TravelPerk -

Wagmi Venture Studio -

YouShift -

ACM Ventures - AFRY - Amazon - Amuseum - Athos Capital - Bain & Company - Barclays - Barings - Barlon Capital - Boston Consulting Group - Blackrock - British Airways - BUSUP - Call2World - Centauri Capital Partners - Efficio Consulting - ERM - Glovo - Google - K Fund - Kreios Space - Lanai Partners - Lilium - Management Solutions - MEDAC - Microsoft - Millenium - NASC - Oracle - Quantfury - Roots South - Securitas - Threema - Toroto - TravelPerk - Wagmi Venture Studio - YouShift -

Boston University -

Brown University -

Columbia University -

École Centrale de Lyon -

Harvard University -

IE Business School -

Indiana Tech -


University of Bath -



Universidad Carlos III -

University of Edinburgh -

Universitat Pompeu Fabra -


Boston University - Brown University - Columbia University - École Centrale de Lyon - Harvard University - IE Business School - Indiana Tech - INSEAD - University of Bath - UCL - UCLA - Universidad Carlos III - University of Edinburgh - Universitat Pompeu Fabra - USC -

46 members

37 companies

19 industries

11 cities

7 countries

20+ ongoing ventures


Monthly Small Team Calls

Teams are hand-picked to maximize location and industry variety. Monthly small team meetings serve us as a way to have a time to meet with others in a concentrated environment to discuss ideas. We also try to use this time to get experts involved to help us validate and guide our thought-process.

You should think of your small team as your own personal board of directors - there to give you advice, provide critical feedback, and help you accelerate the growth of your business.

Small team meetings happen virtually on a monthly basis, and they are 1-hour long.

Meetings are structured and organized by your moderator, who uses a Kinnek playbook that allows you to focus on the most important parts of your personal or professional life while getting to know others in the community.

In-person Events

Our in-person event strategy is focused around three events: our same-city meet-ups, annual retreats, and an end-of-year event.

We know Kinnek members love hanging out and seeing each other in-person, so we’ve been organizing member dinners in all of our top locations. We’ll keep adding dinners as long as we keep adding new members. We also look forward to using the in-person events to keep on collaborating with the different experts & investors that work with us and expanding our network throughout our major locations.


Our desire is that Kinnek members not only meet, but also truly get to know each other.

With these random bi-weekly pairings, Kinnek members have the perfect excuse to grab coffee or jump on a quick call with others in the community, allowing for time to hang out, discuss ideas, check in, or whatever you feel like doing.

We take pride in not only accepting unique and driven individuals, but also having a community of good-hearted and positive people that will, at the very least, make you excited to keep on pushing on your dreams.

Digital Resources & Education

“We believe in the power of together” is something we truly push for. Our private member’s directory allows to find out what all our members are up to, but also to put together a list of contacts, helping us all find resources whenever we need them.

On top of this, we organize sporadic talks from our experts to teach us something valuable. Whether it is about legal obstacles you’ll face when starting a business or how to design a revolutionary electric vehicle, we take pride in the fact that you won’t spend an hour at a Kinnek event that doesn’t add value to your professional or personal life.